Error: Error validating access token: Session has expired on Friday, 13-Sep-24 00:49:11 PDT. The current time is Wednesday, 09-Oct-24 18:15:20 PDT.
What a great way to start the day! We were mentioned in Fallstaff Magazine! #gowellington #southafricanwines
Our New Release THE REBEL 2021 our 8th Vintage. Mixed box a beautiful present and yes we have snow on the mountains! #shiraz #viognier #gowellington
Our tasting stoep on heritage day #winetasting #gowellington #jacaranda
Spring is finally in the air #jacaranda #gowellington #cheninblanc
We made some upgrades at our guesthouse unit Chai. The first guests enjoyed the new kitchen! #guesthouse #gowellington
Our old vines Chenin Blanc planted 1979 are ready for start of spring season, canβt wait #oldvines #chenincheninchenin
Wintertime pruning time #jacaranda #oldvines #chenincheninchenin